Letter 17: Huashan 1914 creative park

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim! Last Wednesday, our class went to Huashan 1914 creative park with class 320. Originally a winery, the Huashan 1014 creative park is now an important events venue. As a new cultural events platform, many large-scale exhibitions, installations, theater productions and performances now take place here. We went there to join a dancing lesson, it was special but I don't really enjoy dancing.

     After the dancing class, Cathy, Selena, Sherry, Candy, Hugo and I went to another exhibition. It was about Kanahei, a Japanese cartoon drew by a middle-aged woman. She has a full-time job, Kanahei was drew by her in her free time. In fact, "Kanahei" is her name, but most of the people misunderstood that they thought that the character's name is Kanahei. At first, the main character is a human, but the rabbit and the little bird became more popular for whatever reason. 



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