Letter 16: Raise fund

Dear Tim:
    Hi Tim! This is Angela. I have already encouraged Amy to write letters to you. As for her illness, I don't know it very well, the only thing I know is that it's called Lupus erythematosus and she said that she feels fine.
    This Sunday, we went to Tamsui to raise fund for our yearly final presentation. Tamsui is a place where has a lot of tourists, so it was very crowded and we could hardly find a person to ask to sponsor us. We only got 250NTD and a lot of receipts.

    By the way, it has been a long time since I last shoe you my drawing. This is the latest one I drew.
   Hope you like it!!


  1. Dear Angela,
    I like you painting! It reminds me of some little New England country church in the Fall. Except that the steeple looks vaguely Russian.
    Thank you for encouraging Amy to write to me. If she would be more comfortable doing so, she can get my email address from Summer and write to me directly. I read about her disease, and it's not something that some 17 year old girl should get. Basically, the body's immune system goes crazy, and starts attacking other organs in the body. It can be treated and controlled with medications, but never really cured. The attacks can come and go, so sometimes she will feel fine, and then suddenly, she'll be sick again. I know that this will make her schooling very difficult. It will also put restricts on her diet and on the things that she can do. I've had heart problems for the last few years, so I know how she feels. She needs all of your support.
    I heard about the "fundraiser" at Tamsui. Good luck with that. At least you'll learn had to be nice when people tell you "no!"



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