Letter 15: Winter vacation

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim! It has been a long time since I last wrote to you. In winter vacation, I did many interesting things and I would like to show you the things that I've done during the vacation.
     2/5~2/9 I went to Hehuan mountain, it is located in the middle of Taiwan. On the way we drive to the hotel, it started to snow. It was hard to drive through the heavy snow, the road is covered by a thick layer of snow and our car couldn't make it to the destination. So we hastily found a place where have signal and try to call for someone to help. Finally, a truck which is 4-wheel drive came to help us. And fortunately, we were towed to the hotel safely.
     In the mountain, almost everything was covered by the snow, it was like I've gone to a different world. I built a small snowman by myself, and it was destroyed by the snowball my brother threw.


(I was trying to slide down the snow drift in front of the hotel.)

     2/14 I went back school to clean the school with my classmates. After that, Melody, Selena, Sherry and I decided to ride the bike. But Melody didn't know how to ride bike, so we rent four bikes to school and we taught her together. When I was teaching Melody, Selena and Sherry left to buy drinks. After a while, they came back with a cheese cake and sang birthday song together because my birthday was on the corner. And after the three hour lesson, Melody finally did it. So we ate the cake together. Thank you! 

         2/18 is my birthday, that day, my junior high school friends suddenly appeared in the restaurant that I was eating in with my family. And they brought me a cheese cake, too. After we met, they asked to come to my house and we stayed together until 11:00. 

        Hugo an Candy also gave me birthday gifts. And I am really thankful!! 🍰



  1. Dear Angela,
    Welcome back, and happy birthday! It sounds like you had a very nice vacation. Have you enjoyed reading all of the "snow stories" that I've been writing about in Iowa? Isn't it better to just "visit" the snow, rather that to live with it for six months of the year?

    How is Amy? I have not received a letter from her since early January, so I don't know anything about her illness, or if she's feeling better. Could you tell me, or at least encourage Amy to write?


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