Letter 21: Taking photos for the posters & Volleyball

Dear Tim:
    Hi Tim! This is Angela.
    The answers to the questions:
1. Many American women would make clothing for the families from old flour sacks because their prized possessions were sewing machines.

2. The flour and animal feed companies tried to take advantage of this practice by marketing their products in a colorful assortment of "cotton print" bags to attract customers.

3. Families were getting smaller and smaller and more and more women were working outside of the home so the popularity of the flour sack dresses declined.

   This Friday, We won the volleyball game! It was hard in the fist round but we still won, our scores were really close like about 25:23. The second round, we played very well, especially Sabrina, we scored very fast and ended the game by the score 25:8. We all felt happy to get the chance to fight for the fifth place. The last game will be on next Monday, hope we can do well.

      This Saturday, we went to Taipei National University of the Arts to take photos for the posters of our final presentation. It was the first time I realized how tiring it was to take pictures. 

      In the afternoon, we went to hamburger mary's to eat lunch. After finishing the lunch, we (The whole class except for Vivian, Jack and Patrick) separated into three groups, each group includes five people. We raised fund for the final presentation, And at last, we raised the total of about 3500 NTD.



  1. Dear Angela,
    Good job on the volleyball tournament. Sabrina was worried about how well she would do, so I'm glad you think that she did a good job.
    Everyone is looking very nice in (most) of the pictures in the park.. I have already told Cathy that she has to be smiling, and she can't have her chin down.


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