Letter 6: Karaoke

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim! This is Angela.
  The answers to the questions:

     1. The first Chinese immigrants came to the Phoenix area on 1870 because the railroad
         construction shut down for the hot Arizona summer. They opened laundries, restaurants, and
         planted vegetable gardens when they got there.

     2. The area of the original Phoenix Chinatown is where the baseball stadium and the basketball arena are now.

     3. COFCO is a company owned by Mainland China. It is surprising the they decided to locate it
         near the intersection of the 44th street and Washington. That's conveniently close to the airport.

 We have started to edit our short film, it's going fine, but we found that most of the scenes we'd recorded are shaky and the ending part also disappeared. This is not the biggest problem to us, what's the most annoying is that we have not many experiences of film-making so it's really not an easy thing for us to edit the video.

  This Friday, I went to karaoke with my friends(Melody, Selena, Sherry, Candy, Amy, Jack). It was very fun!!
(Sherry Angela Selena Melody Amy)



  1. Dear Angela,
    Good job on the questions!
    Could you identify the girls in the 1st picture? That would be the one with all of the "smiley faces".
    How is the school year going so far? What the next "big event" that the class has coming up?
    Will anybody do anything for Halloween?



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