Letter 5: Moon festival

Dear Tim:
      Hi Tim! This is Angela.
The answers to the questions:
   1. The Moon Festival is celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th month of the traditional Chinese calendar.

   3. Chang'e became a moon goddess by drinking a magic potion.

   4. People celebrate the Moon Festival by enjoying a barbecue and eating moon cakes.

 This Moon Festival, I ate barbecue with my junior high school friends instead of with my family. It was fun but I didn't eat much because I was sick that day. After having the BBQ lunch, we went to my home and play until night.

    Today, our lass went on a trip to Dadaocheng, a place which is famous for its fabric. We went there because we have a job to do, we were asked to introduce some traditional Taiwanese food and make a short film. 

(The cute thing in my hand is made of sweet syrup, isn't that amazing?!)



  1. Dear Angela,
    Where is Dadaochen? Is that a neighborhood (district) in Taipei? Did the whole class go, or just a few of you? Was this to another school? So far, you're the only one who had mentioned this. Who was the audience, and how did the film-making go? Was it a success?



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