Letter 4: TAS-Twelfth Night

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim. This is Angela. This Thursday, we went to Taipei American School to watch their play, Twelfth Night. It is a story about gender confusion, and I think they interpret it in a very humorous way, I really enjoyed watching it.
      The answers to the questions:
         1. The parts of the university of Iowa that are on the south side of the river are most of the
             academic departments and classroom buildings. In Mr. Maher's ancient days at the university,
             the parts of the university on the north side were the men's dormitories, and the University 
             and Vertain's Hospitals, and the athletic department.

         2. At the Iowa football games, at the end of the first quarter, before everyone runs off to the
             concession stands and the restrooms, that everybody in the stadium stands, faces the
             children's hospital, and waves to the children and their families who are watching the game
             from the top floors.

         3. Chloe can go in and out of the house by using the cat door in the window or the doggie door
             in the bedroom, and also just sitting out in the hallway outside the door, howling until
             somebody comes along to open the door.

       This is my drawing, I finished it about one month ago.



  1. Dear Angela,
    Is the drawing a charcoal drawing? It's very good.
    Did you have any problem understanding the language in the play? Did they use "modern English" or the original Shakespearean English ?


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