Letter 2: Drawing

Dear Tim:
      Hi Tim! This Angela. I saw Doris's little drawing from the news letter this week, I think it's very cool. So it remind me that I've never told you about my interest. I enjoy drawing, too. But I like watercolor better than sketching. I can show you my drawings, some are not really satisfying to me, but if you're interested with them I can show you some. I go to artist's studio to learn art every week, so I can finish a picture in about six hours which means I can show you my drawings once in two months or sometimes three. This is the one I've finished already. Hope you like it ~ ~


  1. Dear Angela,
    I like it! It reminds me of an old fishing trawler or a small freighter that was washed up on a beach during a storm. Your colors in the sky show whats left of the storm, but the shade of orange on thew ship show the sun shiing on the ship after the storm. Is that what you had in mind.
    Please. Send me all that you carfe to send. I many have to make a portfolio.


  2. Tim told me that you posted your drawing on blog ,too. I think I saw this one before, it's amazingly beautiful.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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