Letter 2: First place for the chorus contest

Dear Tim:
    Hi Tim! This is Angela! This Wednesday, our school held a chorus contest. And WE WON THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! Isn't it amazing??!! It wasn't by a fluke that we won. From the beginning of this semester we had started practicing. Every week, we practiced, every day, we practiced. We just kept practicing. Summer helped us a lot with our voice production. The happiness can't easily be describe by words, so... I'm really happy to be in 120 and I enjoy every moment with my classmates!!


  1. Dear Angela,
    Thank you for writing about the singing contest. Naturally, I've been hearing a lot about it, and even got to watch the video, but that's okay. You guys did a great job, and have every right to be proud of yourselves. Aren't you glad to be in class 120 now?



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