Letter 22: Basketball competition starts!

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim! This is Angela. How have you been? Is the weather strange there too? In Taiwan, some days are freezing cold, but sometimes it's really hot. It's spring now, so the climate is supposed to be genial, but obviously it's not. Pretty weird , don't you think so? About the activity of picking the winner of NCCA Men's Basketball Tournament, our group guest the winner right !!! We're so lucky, we still stick to our principle: Choose the team with the shorter name. But this time, we also checked the score of the first game they played. By the way, our school's basketball competition has begin, because of the bad weather, our game kept delaying, hope we can win the championship!!



  1. Dear Angela,
    Good job on picking the NCAA tournament winner! What were the prizes?
    I would like to hear about the class basketball competition. Did any other class have girls on the team? Who was on your team? Did you win any games?


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