Letter 23: Fourth place!

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim! This is Angela. It was a pity that we only got the fourth place, but everyone tried their best, those on the basketball court(Girl's team: Tiffany, Red, Melody, Megan, me, Selena, Nini. Boy's team: William, Ericson, Sameul, Red, Selena, Nini.) played as well as they could, those cheerer beside the court scream as loudly as they could, and no matter how it ends, we all surely have the best memories of class 120 and the days we pass together.
 As for Easter, my family don't really celebrate that holiday, so the two things I know about Easter are eggs and rabbits. I'm happy that you introduced it in the newsletter, so now I understand more about it. 


  1. Dear Angela,
    Thank you for writing about the basketball team. There will be a story about it in this week's Newsletter. I hope that I got all of the fact's rignt.
    If you got the part of Easter about the eggs and the bunny, you got most of the "non-religious parts. It's not as big a deal as Christmas. Wait for "Cindo de Mayo"!



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