Letter 20: Birds

Dear Tim:
      Hi Tim! I don't really like birds, because once I went to Australia, there were many birds flying above. At first I felt novel, but the beautiful scene was destroyed by a brown liquid dropping on my shoulder..... which is its excrement. An awful experience, isn't it?  But there's not only bad memories of them. "Platycercus Eximius", a kind of parrot with colorful feather and beautiful stripes on it. I really like them not only because their appearance, but also their harmless nature. I fed them and had a great time with them. Oh, and it also took place in Australia.
 This is the picture of the birds which pooed on me.
(The fat girl is me when I was in elementary school)

And these are the parrots that I fed

  Aren't they cute?


  1. Dear Angela,
    Sorry about your bad experience with the bird. Aren't you glad that cows don't fly? Think of that!
    Australia has many beautiful and unusual birds, but so does Taiwan. See if you can find some "wetlands", and go see what you can see. i should be fun.



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