Letter 14: Amy, I miss you!!

Dear Tim:
      Hi Tim, this is Angela. Happy new year!!🎊 In 2018, I hope that I can do better in school and get better grades.💯
      Today, Selena, Sherry and I went to Cheng Hsin General Hospital. It is a hospital in Tianmu and the reason why we went there is because Amy was hospitalized because there is something wrong with her body, I'm not sure what's wrong but it has something to do with her immune system. I bought Cheese Pound Cake and Selena bought a cup of boba milk tea for her. We had a really great time chatting, we talked about all of the things happened at school. Hope she can get well soon and come back to school!!💖



  1. Dear Angela, '
    It was very nice of you and the other girls to go visit Amy in the hospital. If you're stuck in the hospital for several day, you're sure to get bored and lonely, so seeing friendly faces is always a welcome break. Amy mentioned that the hospital food was awful, so I'm sure that the Cheese pound cake was welcome also.



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