Letter 13: Happy New Year !!!

Dear Tim:
       Hi Tim! This is Angela! Happy new year!!🎆
       Though my parents still didn't give me the Christmas presents, I felt happy because I got a perfect present from Allison! My old backpack was broken so I wrote "a backpack" on my wish list. But actually I didn't expect that she could buy one in three hundred dollars! She's amazing and the backpack is so beautiful!

        On the last day of 2017, I spend the morning with my family at Taichung and the night with my junior high school friends. My cousins came back to Taiwan from America, we went to Taichung and had a great time there.

         Then, I came back to Taipei to hang out with my friends, we stayed together until 2018 came. We sat at a park near the fireworks picnicking. We stayed there because we didn't want to jostle by the crowd and we thought we could see the fireworks there. Unfortunately, we couldn't see the fireworks because they were obstructed by the buildings. But it was still fun to hear the sounds of the fireworks and scream with my friends.

     Happy New Year!!🎉



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