Letter 9: School fair

Dear Tim:
       Hi Tim! This is Angela!
    The answers to the questions:
       3. Only in Arizona will we find tow little kids dressed as cacti for Halloween.

       4. Hugo's Tellytubbies costume had to be adapted to make it a Tellytubby, but that worked out 
           better, because he could also be a frog when Sabrina needed someone to transform to
           demontrateher witch powers.

       5. Mr. Maher suspected that Ms. Lin was in her tea or coffee cup that day.

    It was our school's field day on Friday, but actually we had a preliminary competition on Wednesday. And fortunately, I reached the finals, I was surprised, because I accidentally staggered during the race. Lucky me, it didn't made me fell behind too much. I can't make sure if I really won the fourth place, but it seems to be like that. By the way, our class won the second place of the relay race. Only five people in class 220 participated in the relay race who are Melody, Selena, Sabrina, William and I, and other people in our team came from class 320. I was a amazing experience!
    This Saturday is our school fair, our class sold fried noodles, corn soup and drinks, Allison and William did the body painting. It was a busy day, at first, there were only few people came to our stand. But when it was about 11:00, a lot of people came to buy food and we had a lot on our plate. It was a tiring but good thing for us, because it meant that we earned a lot of money! But actually the drinks wasn't popular, so there were 24 bottles of Sprite left...



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