Letter 8: Halloween

Dear Tim:
    Hi Tim! This is Angela!

    The answers to the questions:

       2. Three years ago, Astros were one of the worst teams in baseball, losing over 100 games during
           the season. So the team has been transformed during the pass few years into a true contender.

       5. Adults graves are marked with orange marigolds, while the white orchids are left at children's

       6. Calaveras are skulls, Catrinas are specific type of calavera.

    This Halloween I dressed up as Laa-Laa, a character in the cartoon "Teletubbies". Cathy, Candy and Hugo dressed up as Po, Winky and Dipsy, three other characters in the cartoon. I think Hugo looks more like a frog, the reason why he looks a little different from us is because that his costume was borrowed from another store. When we walk through the corridor, everyone kept staring at us and ask us to take photos with them. I think it was a fun experience. Happy Halloween!!



  1. Dear Angela,
    I think that the "tellytubbies" costumes were a great idea! Did they get very warm?
    Did you do anything else for Halloween?



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