Letter 29: Voez cafe

Dear Tim:
      Hi Tim!! This is Angela. Last Sunday, Cathy, Selena and I went to a cafe to prepare for our performance about syntax. It's not just a normal cafe, it's a kind of theme cafe. It is engaged by a video game company in Taiwan called Rayark. This company made a lot of excellent musical video games, I guess Cathy had given you some detailed information, so I'll skip it. I think it's nice cafe with relaxing atmosphere, there are some pictures on the wall, some goods for us to shop and to buy, beautiful music from those games, and also drinks and food for us to eat. I ordered a vanilla milkshake and a tiramisu, a dessert made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee and mascarpone cream. They tasted delicious, here are some pictures of them.

        There are many cool items for us to take picture with. Selena and Cathy were excited to take picture with them, since I've already been there once, so I felt a little bored with that, but they are so cute, just like two curious children, so I still had a great time being their photographer.
(Selena,  Cathy)

(Selena,  Cathy)

(Cathy,  Selena)

      The cafe was decorated beautifully, and so did the bathroom.
(You can find me in the picture if you look carefully, I was wearing a blue jacket!)
(Selena,  Angela)
(Cathy,  Angela,  Selena)

During our nice afternoon tea time, I saw a man interviewing a person, maybe he's a celebrity.
We really had a great time there, so Cathy, Selena and I decided to go there again during the summer vacation, and I really look forward to going there again. 


  1. Dear Angela,
    It sounds like you, Cathy, and Selena have some good plans for a great summer. Good luck on your finals so you don't have to spend all summer in summer school.
    I hope to see you in EHP again in the fall!



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