Letter 27: Candy in my dress

Dear Tim:
        Hi Tim! This is Angela!! Don't you think I wrote this letter so early this time? All of the subjects of the midterm were disasters, so I decided to prepare for the test earlier and concentrate in class. Hope my grade can be improved next time. By the way, I wasn't grounded or punished by my parents, they value manners more than my grades, so actually they won't be mad because of it.
        I'm not the host for the presentation, but a thing belongs to me will probably appear on the stage, which is my dress. I will lend my dress to Candy, and she looks so~~~~~~ beautiful in it. Here's the picture.
     Isn't she beautiful?? She will role as a British young woman. Recently, she has kept practicing to be more familiar with the script, and we (Cathy,Candy and I)worked really hard together to figure out how to pronounce the words in British accent, it was tiring but also interesting. Hope all of the hosts will perform perfectly on the stage!! 
     Did you notice that I change the color of my blog every week??
 I can't think of a new color for next time, can you give me some advice??


  1. Dear Angela,
    It's a very beautiful dress! Why don't you use the lavender color of the shawl as your color foe next week?
    I thought that class 120 was just the "stage crew" for Class 220. What is this part that Candy has?
    It's nice that you're working so hard on your British accents, but the truth is, very few people will actually notice. Don't worry about it very much.


    1. Candy is just on of the hosts.
      But the hosts need to prepare a short performance, too.
      Only about 1 to 2 minutes.



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