Letter 25: Paste posters

Dear Tim:
      Hi Tim!! This is Angela!! Sorry for my delay. Last week was our mid-term exam. The grades came out today and I'm not really happy with mine, so I decide to study rea~~~~~lly hard this time.
      On 6/2, there will be a performance of 220, and all of the students in 120 should assist them. There are a lot of work for us to do, like being hosts, controlling spotlights, controlling ppts, etc. The work that I have already started to do now is promoting and paste the posters in each classes. It was so fun and excited, and I can't wait to see their performance!!



  1. Dear Angela,
    Were the midterms a disaster, or just not as good as you wanted?
    Could you tell me something about the picture in your letter.
    I heard a little about class 120 "hosting" class 220 for some event, but its not clear to me just what class 220 will be doing that they'll need your help. Is this an old school custom?



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