Letter 18: Practice for the singing contest

Dear Tim:
    Hi Tim! This is Angela. I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your jacket. I have been a little bit muddle-headed recently, I had lost my phone on the bus TWICE in a month, thanks to those kind people who picked it up and gave it back to me. These two weeks, our class have been practicing singing to prepare for the chorus contest which our school will hold in April. I'm so excited about it, I believe that we will do a great job! By the way, I'm in Soprano, I enjoy singing but sometimes tired of it, because I can't really read the musical score well so I had have a hard time recognizing it and it was pretty tiring. I've learnt playing the piano when I was in kindergarten, but I probably forget everything about it so I guess maybe I should learn how to read the musical score again to help me have a better time when practicing singing.


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