Letter 22: We won the fifth place! & Promotional video

Dear Tim:
     Hi Tim! This is Angela.
     The questions to the answers:
1. Liam was put on house arrest because he bit the bug lady when she went straight into the back yard through the side gate.

2. If a dog commits a serious bite, he could be taken away and put down.

3. Liam was excused from a more serious punishment because the bug lady had entered the yard without permission, and Liam had no previous history of biting people.

     At last, we successfully won the fifth place of the volleyball competition. We all enjoyed the games and had a really good time practicing it everyday morning.

     Saturday morning, we went to school for our final presentation, it was really tired but we finally finished over half of the stage props, which is a good news.

     Jack made a short video to promote our final presentation, I think he's really good at making it, I am very thankful.



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